2015 Plein Air Painting Workshops

Plein air landscape painting near Trevi, Umbria.

(Actual painting locations may vary).

I’ve put up information for my two 2015 plein air landscape painting workshops on my workshop page. One is in Europe and the other is in the US.

The first workshop of the year will be in Les Plans, Switzerland from the 9th to the 15th of June, 2015. The total fee for the course will be 1600chf and will include food, accommodation, six hours a day of painting lessons and panels for you to paint on. For the rest of the materials a list will be made available.

For further information or to book a place, please contact Alan Lawson at lawsonalan@gmail.com.

The next two workshops will be in the Greater Boston area (specific dog-friendly location still to be decided) from August 28 to the 30th.

These courses are being organized by Leo Mancini Hresko, so please contact him directly for further information or to book a spot: waltham.studios@gmail.com.

Update: Both Boston courses have filled.


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