Bergen Sketches

Here are few sketches from the past week in Bergen, Norway. It stays light here until midnight at the moment, but the weather has been iffy. I hope to come back next June for a more intensive landscape painting trip.

Sailboats, Bergen. 25 x 35 cm, oil on linen.

Bryggen, Bergen. 18 x 30 cm, oil on panel.

Sailboat, Solheimsviken. 20 x 30 cm, oil on panel.

Miki in the Sun. 20 x 30 cm, oil on panel.



  1. I really like the use of white as punctuation in each of these sketches. Are you using a new white pigment since you moved north? It seems thicker and brighter than what you were using last year and it adds energy to the compositions. It’s particularly effective on the Miki study.

  2. Lovely paintings from Bergen. Sailboats and Bryggen really gives the feeling of being in Bergen. Hope to see you in Tromsø once – where the sun never sets.

  3. Nice painting of the sailboat. I did a shrimp boat here recently and found after about 3hrs after I had painted it I noticed that my perspective of the boat was off. Found out the tide had receded and the boat had listed. Me and a couple others thought that was really cool and had a big laugh. I enjoy your plein air paintings, very cool.

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