Blue shirts

The clothesline at the Torricella.

The clothesline at the Torricella.

My wife asked me a year ago why I only own blue shirts.

It is actually for landscape painting. If you paint with the canvas in the shade you are probably standing in full sunlight (I don’t use an umbrella), in which case the color of the shirt will reflect on your painting and affect the hues. A few years ago I had a favorite orange T-shirt my brother gave me, and a couple of times I went painting with it on and had to go back to the house to change as the reflected orange was so distracting. I’ve also tried with black, but if I’m up against a hedge or in an area with very little reflected light I find the canvas can be too dark. White can also be annoying as you see your shirt reflected in the painting.

At the end of the day, a sky-blue shirt is the best for plein air landscape painting. I like mine with long sleeves in case of excess sun or mosquitoes. A shirt-pocket is useful for glasses or my superior Korean ipod.


  1. Good advice, Marc. I too usually wear blue or grey for painting outside, although as a landscape painter in England they are often waterproofs. 😉
    As I like to have the canvas in the shade and usually work contre jour the reflected neutral light on the picture is very useful.

  2. Thanks Darren, been almost a year now.
    And I left the Mac universe 10 years ago, though I just ordered a little Dell mini 9 which I plan on making a hackintosh with for traveling around.

    I should also mention, even if I go back to macs, I’ll never give up my 50+ hours of battery life with the Cowons (the new S9 is looking really nice too).

  3. Kind of makes my comments over on RP about your images being a bit dark moot then . Must be the gamma settings on my Dell. Oh well, I’m Mac at the house and Dell at school. Good luck with your show!

  4. I have to say, thank you for the Cowon plug, I saved up for awhile and got one recently, and I have to say it’s pretty cool. Music aside, I like being able to carry my portfolio around with me, so I can show people the type of work I do when I travel.

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