Geotagging for landscape painters

I spend a lot of time driving around the Tuscan countryside every summer looking for great spots to paint.

An ongoing project of mine is to take a picture from every spot I find which I think is especially picturesque. The camera on my cellphone is set to automatically check the built-in gps system to see where I am in the world, and the phone is set to automatically upload my landscape photos to a Flickr set. Flickr can then parse the location data in the photo and place it on a map.

Another painter can then check my ‘landscape archive’ map on Flickr to see if any of the views interest them.

At the moment there are just a few practice shots up, but over the next couple months the map should fill up.

(The phone is a Nokia N82, if anyone was curious).


  1. I have just been trawling through your site, and lost track of time. I love the flickr/ mapping idea- if only it had cross references of nearby cafes/ wine bars, it would be perfect for me. I also concurred thoroughly with your rant on rubber.

    Anyway, thought I would let you know that your website was much appreciated.

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