My 4 month stint in Limburg is rapidly drawing to a close. I’ve painted with a couple of professional plein air painters, Hans Versfelt and (briefly) Roos Shuring, and had a few coffees with fellow ex-pat portraitist Scott Bartner.
In March, I visited the Tefaf fair in Maastricht with Urban Larsson, who showed me around and introduced me to the great Dutch painters of the 19th-century. As always, most of these artists aren’t well known abroad, but deserve greater recognition.
I had trouble finding books and images online for these artists, and I may have the titles wrong, but here goes.
(They have really long-winded names for being from such a small country).
Jacob Maris (The Anathaeum has a lot more images):
There were three Marises. Jacob’s brother Willem painted lots of animal subjects:
Johannes Christiaan Karel Klinkenberg (More on Artmight):
Paul Joseph Constantin Gabriël:
Willem Bastiaan Tholen:
Johan Hendrik Weissenbruch (more at Wikipaintings):
The light in the various historic works you selected is similar to your portrayals (atmospheric skies particularly). I spent a long time on Scott Bartner’s site – and bookmarked it to spend some more time this weekend. Thanks for sharing!
Fantastic paintings from fantastic artists. Thank you for sharing this information and photos!
I’ve always been a huge fan of the Hague School.and unfortunetly, there is not a lot of books available about these painters. Seaching on the web, i did found a lot of good images but some of these are new to me. The Gabriels really look wonderful and the street view of Tholen is striking, as always. He’s such a good tonal painter.
I fell into landscape painting because of these guys, especially because of their use of broken colors. Poems in greys. The true followers of the Barbizon school.
Very honest painters.
The big skies of Jacob Maris, the water of Weissenbruch, the mills of Gabiel and the greens of Mauve.
Yes, Mauve is missing here…