Since my current larger projects are taking a while I thought I would rehash some older work. This is part of a series of paintings I did in 2008 of the small Piaggio Apini or ‘worker bees’ (as opposed to the Vespas or ‘wasps’ made by the same company). They were used by the artisans and tradesmen in Florence until they were banned recently by the new mayor.
Ape, Via del Campuccio (?). 25 x 35 cm, oil on linen.
Amore Ti Amo. 20 x 30 cm, oil on linen.
Since they move pretty quickly and I couldn’t always stand in the road with my easel, some were done from photographs. This was the only time I ever tried working solely from photography and I decided it wasn’t for me. I spent too much time training my eyes to work from life.
Apino, Via Maffia (#2). 40 x 30 cm, oil on linen.
Ironically the ones I painted from life often look more photographic than the ones painted from photos. I think it’s because one has so much more information available when working on site.
Nymph in Arcadia. 40 x 30 cm, oil on linen.
The title of the post comes from a show I had in 2008 in a local cafe showing these little sketches. They say selling art in Florence is like selling ice in Antarctica, but these proved surprisingly popular.
I’Trippaio di Sant’Ambrogio. 20 x 30 cm, oil on linen.
June Rent. 25 x 40 cm, oil on linen.
Via Toscanella. 25 x 40 cm, oil on linen.
Via Maggio. 30 x 40 cm, oil on linen.
Apino, San Gimigniano. 20 x 30 cm, oil on linen.
Via Maffia (#1). 30 x 20 cm, oil on linen.
Vivaio Torrigiani. 20 x 25 cm, oil on linen.