Turban Portrait Painting

Turban portrait of my wife wearing a Turkish style turban on the island of Korcula.

Tina with a Turban. 70 x 50 cm, oil on linen.

Here, quickly, is a turban portrait I did last month during the overcast and rainy days we had on Korčula. It’s for a turban/hat-themed group show this fall at Ann Long Fine Art in Charleston, SC.

Below are a few of the sketches we tried with various styles of turban. The one we settled on was bought on Ebay, and shipped from Turkey. I had actually wanted a more Venetian-style turban, as it fit with our setting, but getting these things right is more complicated than one would think. These paintings were all done in one sitting with very unsuitable light. We were on a terrace with only reflected light off of the garden around us. It’s always interesting trying new lighting set-ups, though having one strong light source makes for a much simpler painting experience.

Portrait sketch with turban, painted on Korcula, Croatia.

Turban Sketch #1. 25 x 23 cm, oil on panel.

Venetian style turban portrait painting, done on the Croatian island of Korcula.

Turban Sketch #2. 25 x 25 cm, oil on panel.

Turban portrait with a Turkish-style turban painted on the Croatian island of Korcula.

Turban Sketch #3. 25 x 23 cm, oil on panel.

Update: Here is an earlier attempt:

Turban portrait with a Turkish-style turban.

The Turkish Turban. 35 x 25 cm, oil on panel.


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