Zagreb Sketches

After 18 years in the Oltrarno of Florence, I’ve left Italy for a while. I’m currently living in Zagreb, Croatia and will be moving to Maastricht, Holland in February.

Here are some sketches from the center of Zagreb where I’ve been living the last few weeks.

The Cathedral from the Marketplace. 35 x 25 cm.

Frost, Mirogoj. 25 x 35 cm.

The Walls at Mirogoj. 35 x 25 cm.

Tkalčićeva Ulica. 30 x 20 cm

First Snow at Mirogoj. 20 x 30 cm.

Palmoticeva ulica. 30 x 20 cm.

Lotrščak Tower. 30 x 20 cm.

Zagreb. 25 x 35 cm.

The Bar at Zvijezda. 20 x 30 cm.

The Cathedral, Zagreb. 30 x 20 cm.


  1. Marc,
    Very nice work, love that rooftops view especially. Thanks for sharing. Good luck in Maastricht. Drive to the Eifel region of Germany when you have the time, there’s plenty to paint there, also along the Mosel river, the drive from Trier to Koblenz. Best of luck,

  2. Fantastic work Marc! I love how you can take complicated scenes and distill them visually to work in a simpler more readable way!!!
    I will be in Zagreb this coming July and can’t wait to do some painting while there. Your post has got me so excited 🙂

    BTW I would highly recommend visiting Plitvice Lakes National Park while in Croatia.


  3. That’s some news Marc… Good for you! From what I’ve heard, Maastricht appears to be a beautiful and exciting small city with a big university and all that goes with it. We are planning to be in Ghent/Antwerp in the late spring. Perhaps we can meet up with you for lunch?

    Wonderful stillness in this winter’s work. In the paintings “Frost, Mirogoj” and “First snow, Mirogoj”, the domes and cupolas appear to be sleeping the under the blanket of fog. Impressive.

    I also really like “Lotrščak Tower” for its strong graphic composition and delicately balanced pallet.

  4. I am a huge fan of your work and have been follow your blog regularly(from Nova Scotia) since I discovered it. I am so excited to see your wonderful new paintings from Croatia and your treatment of the unique Eastern European architecture. I look forward to seeing more of your paintings of this region. Thanks for sharing your work.

  5. What a lovely group of paintings. The tower is my favorite. It seems a more somber palette than what you usually use. I like seeing the brushwork too. All so wonderful. Enjoy your time there. It looks like a beautiful country.

  6. Good to hear that you will move to Maastricht!! I have been studying there for 1year and a half. It is a small nice town. If you need any tips, I would be happy to help you! Best of luck

  7. I’ve recently found your blog and I’m really impressed with the quality of your paintings. These plein air studies are just stunning.
    I’m interested in the technical info but I don’t think I’ll ever find time to make my own paint!
    I’m interested in the boards you paint on outdoors. Could you explain what you use and how you prepare them? Regards, Paul.

  8. I’m totally impressed with your work. I’m a friend of Joe McGurl and was lucky to see his Italian paintings right after he returned. They were terrific to say the least. Looking at your palette I was wondering why you don’t use burnt sienna. I like the look of your work from a color standpoint, but can’t figure out how you get a good dark w/o burnt sienna!

    I have enjoyed your website and blog. All very inspiring. Best, Hal

  9. marc,

    how did you paint The Bar at Zvijezda? if it was painted on location at night, then how or what did you do to help you paint in this lighting condition?


  10. Oh wow Marc cool scenes. Looks like the weather kind of cleared up at Lotrščak Tower and the painting of Zagreb below that. Nice night scene. I bet there’s some awesome scenes in Holland 🙂


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