East End Paintings and Grenning Show

Plein air painting of the dock at Sag Harbor.

Dock at Sag Harbor from the Bridge. 11 x 14 in, oil on linen.

The opening reception was this Saturday for my annual solo show at the Grenning Gallery. There was some press for the show, including an excellent article on me in the Sag Harbor Express and a piece on Underpaintings.

For anyone in the area, you can also pick up a copy of the Spring edition of The Southhampton Review which has some of my paintings in it (including one on the cover).

Painting of Sag Harbor.

Sag Harbor. 11 x 14 in, oil on linen.

I painted for a few days out on the East End before the show opened as well.

Painting of the American Hotel in Sag Harbor.

The American Hotel and Municipal Building. 12 x 8 in, oil on linen.

Painting of Bay Point, Sag Harbor, Long Island.

Bay Point. 11 x 14 in, oil on linen.

Plein air landscape painting of a boatyard in East Hampton.

Boatyard, East Hampton. 11 x 14 in, oil on linen.

I always find the boatyards very interesting. There are a lot of great views around the boatyards on Three Mile Harbor in East Hampton and the owners and managers were very friendly towards me when I was looking for places to paint.

Painting of a Station Wagon in a boat yard in East Hampton.

Station Wagon. 8 x 12 in, oil on linen.

Painting of a fisherman in Sag Harbor.

Fisherman, Sag Harbor. 8 x 12 in, oil on linen.

Plein air painting of boats in Sag Harbor.

Sag Harbor Boats. 11 x 14 in, oil on linen.

Plein air painting of North Haven.

North Haven. 8 x 12 in, oil on panel.


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