The blog ate my website

I’ve been very impressed with WordPress for the last six months but I’ve been trying to figure out how to get the blog to fit into my existing website. A couple of days ago I realized I should just merge the whole website into the blog.

The fact is that WordPress has developed a very powerful platform for presenting information and, while I don’t have the free time to learn to code for it, the free plug-ins and add-ons make it much easier to update other aspects of my site (besides just the blog).

Quite a few artist friends have asked recently about setting up a website and I would advise people to look into a blog format.

Next winter when I have more free time, I’ll try to get around to learning how to code a custom theme. In the meantime, be sure to update your bookmark to the new address.


  1. Hi Marc,
    I’ve been very inspired by your work since discovering it recently. Will you be doing any workshops next year, if so could you send a list and prices please as I would like to sign up for one of them. Thank you.
    Kind regards
    Peter Flanagan

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